Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saints kick off 2009 pre-season training at Centre Claude-Robillard

From the Coach:
Well 2009 has started with the first indoor training. It was really great to see some new faces, Jamie, Lee, Emlyn, Nick and Fredrick. Welcome to the team. Also wonderful to see the old members turn up for another go at Australian Rules Football.
The training was really a turning point in our development of skills for the first game in April. Over then next weeks we plan to spend a lot of time in showing you the fine skills while indoors. I am sure the practice of basic skills like, handball, bouncing and short accurate kicking will pay off for when we move to outdoor training later next month.
As you know we all are hoping for a large amount of local players this year and to have Australians as the back bone teachers. We hope all of you can come down and learn about our great game. At the same time we expect to have lots of fun.
Thanks again to Luke and Vinny for arranging the venue for training and having all the equipment ready to go.

See you all at the next training which will be posted soon.